Just another day in the life…

The day was decent. I worked out 👇


I’m glad that I’m staying committed to it. I feel really good about myself and I really like the way that I look.

I had a really good day, actually, up until about 2100 hours. At that time, I got really frustrated with someone else’s lack of consideration. At this point, it’s happened enough that I shouldn’t even be surprised. I really shouldn’t.

It’s really not even worth the details. I have to own where I am. I am the only person that keeps me here. So my frustrations should really start to be internal.

Outside of that mess, I have been really blessed lately. I have been working on being a better friend, making sure that the relationships are give AND take. Not just one way or the other. It’s actually helping a lot.

I have also been reading my boundaries book which is helping me establish a fence and do what I feel is okay for me rather than what’s OK for someone else. It’s helpful too. I think it’s going to create issues in my current situation though. Maybe for the best.